Saturday, December 14, 2013

Okey-Dokey...apparently I will only be able to blog every few months. :) It has officially been 3 months since my last posting. Time goes by in such a blur. We are right smack dab in the middle of Advent Season where it is traditionally time to take a breath and focus on the true meaning of Christmas. However, it has been more difficult for me to do that this year than in past years. The weekdays have been so busy and filled with work, school events, choir, band and orchestra concerts that I haven't been able to really contemplate the meaning of Advent season with any depth. It is hard to connect when daily life seems so rushed and compressed. I am listening to Christmas music when I am in the car driving from one location to event to the next. We are checking things off the list as we purchase Christmas gifts for our loved ones. Preparations are slowly getting underway for special family gatherings but we aren't necessarily "plugging in" to what God's priorities are. What does the Lord require of us? Micah 6:8 tells us: He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. That verse was a touchstone for my mother's life. I know it guided most of her decisions and actions. As I look at the meaning of Christmas and the preparations that take place throughout the Advent Season, I must also apply this verse. Does God ask me to add extra things to my life? Does He want me to be stressed or rushed or disconnected? Absolutely not, instead He wants me to walk with Him...humbly... in relationship...He wants me to act in right ways all the time...not just in select situations...but every time. He wants me to take action with compassion and to meet others on my journey with mercy and grace...not because they have first acted that way towards me...but because God needs me to be my best self. His mercy, grace and Love have come to us in the form of His son Jesus...He gave everything so that we could have everything. We must pass that on to others so they can experience the life changing joy of Christ's advent. I hope you find a chance to share the meaning of Christmas with those you encounter this season. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Almost 2 FULL months have gone by!

Here it is September 11, 2013 and I have missed like 8 weeks of opportunities to blog about my life. See, that is why I dislike resolutions...I have difficulty keeping them. I am sure you do too. At any rate to catch you up: I still work about 20 hours a week at my job as a Patron Services Associate in one of the local Library systems. I continue to lead worship at our home church about two times a month. I chauffeur my children to various activities, sleep overs, play dates, birthday parties, school openhouses, Band Camp, youth Camp, baby sitting jobs, musical practices, doctor appointments and so on and so forth. Now that school has officially started, I will start ferrying them to school activities and events. :) I made it to one of Jason's softball games this season before he re-injured his foot. He had surgery today to permanently fix the fracture. I have read a great many books over the summer, commented on countless blog postings, pinned favorite ideas to my pinterest boards and visited with friends, family and loved ones. My life is full and I am truly blessed. As we waited for Jason to be prepped for surgery there were memorial services taking place throughout the United States to commemorate the terrorist acts of 9/11, 12 years ago. There were moments of silence that were observed, speeches were given, bells were rung, salutes were made and many tears were shed for those who were lost to us on that day. I found myself not being able to watch too closely as I knew my emotions would get caught up and I needed to focus on my husband's needs for the day. 9/11/2001 is a day that will live on in the conscious memory of our Nation. We will not forget but I am hopeful that as more time goes by we are able to move forward toward hope and wholeness. That we are able to look outward toward the things that we can do, small and big gestures, that can make a difference in the lives of those around us. It seems like such a small thing to me that I kept my husband company today, but he thanked me several times for being with him through his preparation for surgery, for waiting for him through the procedure and for caring for him during recovery. It honestly never occurred to me that I would be anywhere else. Knowing it made such a difference to him though, means the world to me. You, my friend, mean the world to someone else. Go keep someone company. Make a difference on the side of right, the side of hope, the side of wholeness and restoration for someone else today. God is calling you to it. Stand up and answer Him as only you can. God's favor rests on you as it does on me.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I officially turned 40 years old 4 days ago. I am FABULOUS in my forti-ness! I declare it because I am declaring the year of the Lord's favor. :) I just read a post from my friend Wanda's was lovely and honest, refreshing and thought provoking. She talked about having days that were not the best days and wanting a reset. I love that concept. I KNOW I have needed a reset. I am so grateful that my God grants me those reset opportunities each day that I wake up. I can and will choose each day to savor what He sets before me. Even when the day doesn't go as planned, I know I can find God's grace if I look for it. I just finished a book by Lysa Terkeurst called "Unglued..." it talks about making a decision to be filled with God's Holy spirit and taking hold of the fruits of that spirit...deliberately, purposefully, consciously. I want the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self control that all come from fully accepting God's Holy Spirit. I want to pass those gifts on to my kids and all the other people that touch my life. Look out world! You just might be my next intentional fruity experiment.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Seven Days & Counting

In 7 short or long days as the case may be, I will "turn" 40. In many ways it is just a number, just another year, just one more milestone but in other ways it actually is a big deal. As I reflect on the last 39 years and 358 days I realize I have accomplished a lot of things: 1.) I was born. :) 2.)I went to preschool and survived the dreaded "daycare". 3.) added sibling rivalry to my life experiences with the birth of my sister in 1977 4.)I attended elementary school and managed to graduate from each grade. 5.) Learned how to be a big sister to a baby brother 1982 6.) I was a student at City High/Middle school for 3 years then became a student at East Kentwood High School for my sophmore year. 7.)Ran Cross Country for 1/2 the season & then served as the team manager at EKHS 8.)Met the Love of my Life... 9.)moved to Holt for my Junior and Senior years of High School 10.) got my first real job at Holt child Enrichment Center (stayed for 5 years) 11.)played characters in the musicals "Mame" and "Brigadoon" 12.)I was involved in P.A.L.s & S.A.D.D. 13.) graduated in the top ten class of 1991 14.)moved to Mt. Pleasant to attend college at CMU 15.) became certified to teach AIDs & HIV education classes 16.)graduated with a Bachelor's of Science Degree 17.) During Family Camp of 1994 I turned off the NBA Playoffs so we could have our last campfire of the week in peace 18.) Landed a job with the Blanchard Christian Academy in Blanchard, MI due to my bravery in event #16 19.) married my best friend in December 1995 20.) went to Disney world for our honeymoon 21.) became a foster parent and then guardian to one of my BCA students 22.) got hired by Loafer's Glory when my teaching contract wasn't renewed 23.) bought a house & became a video store co-owner 24.) Moved for the 4th time in a year 25.) gave birth by c-section to our first child in 1997 26.) dealt with jaundice & learned a new meaning for being dog tired 27.) Lost my beloved Grandpa Huston days after our daughter turned 1 year old 28.) Became a Branch assistant for the Chippewa River District Library System...was there for 10.5 years 29.) Went to Florida for Family Christmas 30.) Visited Disney with daughter 31.) 2nd child born in 2000 32.) Learned to multi task like no body's business 33.) Quit working at Loafer's Glory & sold Video Business 34.) 9/11 happened and the world didn't feel safe anymore 35.) became Stampin' Up Demonstrator 2001 36.) Added 3rd child to family in 2002...busy doesn't cover what we were 37.) Lost Grandma Eileen to Alzheimer's disease in 2003 38.) Home Church experienced a bitter & hurtful split 39.) Got named as a defendent in a lawsuit based on the church split--case dismissed because we settled out of court 40.) Experienced double immersion baptism with husband to gain new perspective and fresh beginning for Church family 41.) Became Second woman to serve as Elder @ home church...rotated speaking on Sundays & lead worship songs 42.) fourth child made family complete in 2006 43.) faithful dog Many died at 10 years old summer of 2006 44.) added yellow Lab Daisy to family in 2007 45.) Mother diagnosed with Brain Cancer in 2008 46.) took family vacation to Florida and visited the magic Kingdom and Epcot Center 47.) Grandma Helen was reunited with Grandpa Huston in March 2009 48.) we lost my mom to cancer in 2009 49.) moved to Jenison in 2009 to be closer to family and husband's new job 50.) started attending church at North Kent Bible Church...lead worship services & sometimes speak 51.) began working for KDL...there 3+ years now 52.) witnessed niece Taylor coming into the world July 2010 53.) Lost Grandpa Bud to Merkle Cell cancer August 2010 54.) Gained an all white, green eyed sweet heart of a femme-cat named Hercules in April 2011 55.) Grandma Bernice went to the Lord in sept. 2011 56.) joined Grand Rapids Chamber Choir in 2012 57.) Visited family during Spring Break in South Carolina 2013 58.) Watched Frankfurt Fireworks on Fourth of July 59.) Got surprised with Birthday cake up north...that doesn't happen often 60.) Turning 40 Originally I thought I would only have 40 things to write about my life...I guess there were more than that to share Some definite losses throughout these forty years...some wonderful gains...special memories...milestone moments...lots of firsts for me and some repeats. You might wonder what is it all for? I think ultimately it is for God's glory so that I can share my story and the evidence of grace throughout. I read a Bible verse today from Isaiah 61:2 " proclaim the year of the Lords' favor". I am going to spend this year of being 40 noticing, recognizing and praising God for His favor. Come along with me, I dare you!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

#7 Image Generators

This post is in honor of Valentine's day which is next Monday. Be sure to do something nice for that special someone in your life.
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